1. Call to Order
1. Roll Call
2. 2022 Capital Budget Presentations
Introduction by Administration
1. Engineering
a. 2022 Capital Budget Presentation Engineering
Flood Mitigation
a. 2022 Capital Master List_Flood Mitigation
b. 22-001 - Flood Mitigation Construction
c. 22-002 - Flood Mitigation - Design
Rural Water and Sewer Servicing
a. 2022 Capital Master List_Rural Water and Sewer Servicing
b. 22-003 - Rural Water and Sewer Servicing - Construction
c. 22-047 - Service Connection (Rural Water and Sewer Servicing)
d. 22-004 - Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation 2015-2017 - Construction
Engineering Department
a. 2022 Capital Master List_Engineering
b. 22-016 - Fort McKay Community Centre
c. 22-104 - Rural Egress Road Anzac - Construction
d. 22-105 - Rural Egress Road Janvier - Construction
e. 22-110 - Garden Lane and Riverbend Close Road Rehabilitation - Construction
f. 22-112 - Fort McKay Range Road 1109 Improvements - Design and Construction
g. 22-136 - Deep Utilities and Culvert Rehabilitation - Construction
h. 22-258 - Waterline Extension, Real Martin Drive - Construction
i. 22-266 - Grayling Terrace Drainage - Construction
2. Public Works
Transportation and Facilities
a. 2022 Capital Budget Presentation_PW_Transportation & Facilities
b. 2022 Capital Master List_PW_Transportation & Facilities
c. 22-006 - Building Security Infrastructure Upgrades
d. 22-018 - Fort Chipewyan 6 Bay Garage & Animal Control Facility
e. 22-026 - Public Work North Facilities CP
f. 22-033 - Age Friendly Assessment Initiatives Implementation
g. 22-034 - Building Management (Automation) System
h. 22-101 - Building Lifecycle - 2022-2026
i. 22-102 - Jubilee Major Maintenance (Condo) - 2022-2026
j. 22-106 - Downtown Parking Lot - Design and Construction
k. 22-107 - Archie Simpson Arena Back-Up Generator
l. 22-135 - Facilities Operational Sustainment Capital
m. 22-259 - Transit Concrete pads for new shelters (Gregoire)
n. 22-315 - Heavy Equipment Replacement 2022
o. 22-316 - Light Equipment Replacement 2022
Parks, Roads, Rural Operations, and Fort Chipewyan
a. 2022 Capital Budget Presentation_PW_Parks Roads Rural & Fort Chipewyan
b. 2022 Capital Master List_PW_Parks Roads Rural & Fort Chipewyan
c. 22-036 - Fort Chipewyan Airside Pavement Rehabilitation - Construction
d. 22-040 - Outdoor Rink Asphalt Surface Upgrade
e. 22-046 - Rural Roads and Parking Lots Paving - Fort Chip
f. 22-049 - Abasand OHV Staging Area Upgrades
g. 22-115 - Saprae Creek Capital Trail Upgrade - Des & Construction
h. 22-119 - Spray Park Replacement Program
i. 22-120 - Playground Replacements (Dr. Clark Mod 3 & Ecole Boreal Mod 2)
j. 22-245 - Draper Trail Upgrade Predesign
k. 22-246 - Playground Apparatus Replacement
l. 22-248 - Squirrel Trail Replacement - Pre-Design
m. 22-249 - Inclusive Playground Components
n. 22-250 - Janvier Site Fixture Upgrades
o. 22-251 - Playground Replacement_Conklin School
p. 22-252 - Basketball Court Replacements (Multiple Locations)
q. 22-253 - Father Mercredi Score Board
r. 22-254 - Fort McKay Dock, Seasonal - Design
s. 22-255 - Prairie Creek Perimeter Trail - Design
t. 22-256 - Father Mercredi Field Access Ramp
u. 22-257 - SAP Functional Improvements 2022
v. 22-260 - Draper Community Sign Upgrade
3. Environmental Services
a. 2022 Capital Presentation_Environmental Services
b. 2022 Capital Master List_Environmental Services
c. 22-007 - Confederation Way Sanitary Sewer Phase 2
d. 22-009 - Saunderson Pressure Reducing Valve PRV Construction
e. 22-011 - Fort Chipewyan Lift Station Upgrades - Construction
f. 22-015 - A Frame Road Paving, Lift Station and Sanitary
g. 22-019 - Fort McMuarry Landfill Closure Cells 1,2,3
h. 22-022 - Anzac Lagoon Expansion - Design & Construction
i. 22-027 - Fort McMurray WTP Process Improvement Design & Construction
j. 22-032 - King Street Booster Rehabilitation - Construction
k. 22-035 - Conklin Sewage Lagoon - Construction
l. 22-037 - Fort Chipewyan Water & Sanitary Sewer - Construction
m. 22-038 - Fort McKay Water Supply Infrastructure Rehab Design
n. 22-039 - WWTP Process Improvement - Design & Construction
o. 22-041 - Janvier WTP Upgrade - Design
p. 22-042 - Timberlea Reservoir & Pumphouse - Design & Construction
q. 22-043 - Waterline Extension from Parson's Creek to Millennium
r. 22-044 - Waterline Extension from Parson's Creek to Taiganova
s. 22-045 - Ground Water Monitoring Wells Installation
t. 22-103 - WoodBuffalo Lift Station Replacement - Design & Construction
u. 22-108 - Rural Control System Replacements - Design & Construction
v. 22-116 - Conklin Water Treatment Plant Upgrades - Construction
w. 22-118 - Fort Chipewyan Reservoir Capacity Expansion - Design
x. 22-132 - Gregoire Storm Outfall Structure - Construction
y. 22-243 - Janvier Sewage Lagoon Outfall Extension - Construction
4. Planning and Development
a. 2022 Capital Presentation_P&D
b. 2022 Capital Master List_P&D
c. 22-025 - Waterfront Park
d. 22-048 - MacDonald Drive Greenspace
5. Regional Emergency Services
a. 2022 Capital Presentation_Regional Emergency Services
b. 2022 Capital Master List_Regional Emergency Services
c. 22-233 - EMS Defibrillator Lifepak 15 Replacements
d. 22-234 - RES Digital Messaging Displays
e. 22-235 - MERSIVE System Upgrade for Emergency Management Hall 5
f. 22-238 - RES Data Management System
g. 22-308 - 2021 Replacement of Pumper Truck (Fort McMurray)
h. 22-309 - 2022 Ambulance Fleet Replacement
i. 22-310 - Firefighter Health and Rehabilitation Unit (Replacement)
j. 22-311 - Tanker Truck Replacement (Conklin)
k. 22-312 - 6 x Light Fleet Lifecycle Replacement 2022
6. Communications and Engagement
a. 2022 Capital Presentation_Communications & Engagement
b. 2022 Capital Master List_Communications & Engagement
c. 22-240 - Installation of Additional Flag Poles at Municipal Facilities
RECESS (Approximately one hour)
3. Budget Approval
1. 2022 Budget and 2023 - 2024 Financial Plan
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