I. Call to Order
II. Adoption of Agenda
III. Minutes of Previous Meeting
1. Minutes of Land Planning and Transportation Committee - May 16, 2017
Minutes of Land Planning and Transportation Commit - 2017-05-16 Unapproved LTPC Minutes.doc
IV. Delegations
1. KC Hutchins re: Backyard Chicken Coops
KC Hutchins re: Backyard Chicken Coops - RFP Hutchins (first pg).pdf
V. New and Unfinished Business
1. Bylaw No. 17/012 – Reserve Designation Removal and Sale of Portion Block R1, Plan 7520462 (Gregoire)
Bylaw No. 17/012 – Reserve Designation Removal and - LPTCR Reserve Design Removal.docx
Bylaw No. 17/012 – Reserve Designation Removal and - Att #1 Bylaw 17012 and Schedule A.pdf
Bylaw No. 17/012 – Reserve Designation Removal and - Att #2 - Summary of Land Sale.doc
2. Bylaw No. 17/018 - Road Closure and Authorization to Transfer
Bylaw No. 17/018 - Road Closure and Authorization - LPTC - Rd Clos & Authorize to Transfer.docx
Bylaw No. 17/018 - Road Closure and Authorization - ATT 1 - Bylaw 17-018 & Schedule A.pdf
Bylaw No. 17/018 - Road Closure and Authorization - ATT 2 - Subject Area Map JM269.pdf
3. South Policing Facility
South Policing Facility - CR-South Policing Facility Lease.docx
South Policing Facility - Att 1 Building Lease Terms and Conditions.docx
South Policing Facility - Att 2 Building Map.pdf
4. One-way Street Conversion for Sibley Road
One-way Street Conversion for Sibley Road - PPT - One-Way Street Conversion for Sibley Road 2017.06.20.pdf
One-way Street Conversion for Sibley Road - LPTC - One-way Street Conversion for Sibley Road 2017.06.20.docx
One-way Street Conversion for Sibley Road - ATT 1 - Speed Study Results.pdf
One-way Street Conversion for Sibley Road - ATT 2 - Traffic Counts Circulation - Sibley Road.pdf
One-way Street Conversion for Sibley Road - ATT 3 - Proposed One-Way Signage Plan.pdf
5. Willow Square Lands Update
6. On Street Parking Update
VI. Adjournment