I. Call to Order
1. Adoption of Agenda
II. Minutes of Previous Meeting
1. Minutes from Sustainable Development Committee Meeting - March 1, 2016
Minutes from Sustainable Development Committee Mee - Unapproved SDC Minutes March 1, 2016.doc
III. New and Unfinished Business
1. Wood Buffalo Sport Connection and Allocation of 2015 Western Canada Summer Games Legacy Funding
Wood Buffalo Sport Connection and Allocation of 20 - SDCR WB Sport Connection and 2015 WCSG Legacy Funding.docx
2. Wood Buffalo Growth Forecasts
Wood Buffalo Growth Forecasts - Wood Buffalo Growth Forecasts SDC April 5 2016.pdf
Wood Buffalo Growth Forecasts - SDCR Wood Buffalo Growth Forecasts.docx
Wood Buffalo Growth Forecasts - Att 1 - Comparison 2015 and 2012 Forecasts.pdf
3. Northside Multi-Use Facility Phase 1 (Twin Arenas) and Phase 2 (Recreation Centre) Capital Project Update
Northside Multi-Use Facility Phase 1 (Twin Arenas) - SDCR - Northside Multi-Use Facility Capital Project Update 2016 04 05 v3.docx
Northside Multi-Use Facility Phase 1 (Twin Arenas) - Attachment 1 - Northside Multi-Use Facility Site Plan Layouts.pdf
Northside Multi-Use Facility Phase 1 (Twin Arenas) - Attachment 2 - Phase 1 & 2 Amenities.pdf
4. Wood Buffalo Community Gardens
Wood Buffalo Community Gardens - RC - Wood Buffalo Community Gardens April 5 2016.pdf
IV. Adjournment