Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo


Community Investment Program Policy FIN-220 - Amendment


Department:Community ServicesSponsors:


THAT the amended Community Investment Program Policy FIN-220, dated October 8, 2019, be approved.

Meeting History

Oct 8, 2019 12:00 PM Video Council Meeting

Deanne Bergey, Acting Director, Community Services, provided an overview of the proposed Community Investment Program Policy amendment, which would set parameters for reviewing and approving community capital grant requests under the program. Toni Elliott, Senior Manager, Community Services, came forward to answer questions of Council.

Vacating and Assuming of Chair

Mayor D. Scott vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor J. Stroud assumed the Chair at 5:32 p.m.

Return and Resuming of Chair

Mayor D. Scott returned to the meeting at 5:36 p.m. and resumed the Chair at 5:38 p.m.

MOVER:Mike Allen, Councillor
SECONDER:Bruce Inglis, Councillor
FOR:Don Scott, Mike Allen, Krista Balsom, Bruce Inglis, Phil Meagher, Verna Murphy, Jeff Peddle, Jane Stroud
ABSENT:Sheila Lalonde, Keith McGrath, Claris Voyageur