Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Agenda Item
No Vote Result Required
Mar 18, 2021 6:00 AM

Josh Bernsen, Lee and Associates, Gregg Kahan, Urban Systems and James Roche, DTAH re: Fort McMurray Waterfront Park - Priority Area 1 Outdoor Event Space - Preliminary Concepts Review


Department:Legislative ServicesSponsors:

Meeting History

Mar 18, 2021 6:00 AM  Wood Buffalo Waterfront Advisory Committee Meeting

Josh Bernsen, Lee and Associates, noted that Urban System is the lead consultant of the Waterfront Park project and is supported by DTAH.


Gary Devison, Committee member, joined the meeting at 10:16 a.m.

James Roche, DTAH, presented the outdoor event space preliminary concepts developed and collected feedback from the Committee members.


Sean Robertson, Committee member, left the meeting at 11:01 a.m.

Further public engagement sessions are underway and it is anticipated that final design for the outdoor event space be presented to the Committee at its April meeting, leading into construction in late Spring/early Summer with completion in Fall 2021.

Vacating/Assuming of Chair

Chair Gaylene Weidlich vacated the Chair at 11:14 a.m. at which time the Chair was assumed by Vice-Chair Liana Wheeldon.

Administration advised the Committee that based on timelines, there may be a need to hold a special meeting prior to the April meeting.

Resuming of Chair

Chair Gaylene Weidlich resumed the Chair at 11:17 a.m.