Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo


Social Procurement (Supply Chain Management)


Department:Supply Chain ManagementSponsors:


  1. Printout
  2. 1. 2021 Procurement Policy SCM-100 (Redline) (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)
  3. 2. 2021 Procurement Policy SCM-100 (This file has not yet been converted to a viewable format)


THAT Policy FIN-100 be repealed and replaced with Procurement Policy SCM-100, as included in Attachment 2.

Meeting History

Sep 14, 2021 12:00 PM Video Council Meeting

Rachel Orser, Director, Supply Chain Management, provided an overview of the proposed amendments to the Procurement Council Policy SCM-100 noting that the amended policy would support the implementation of a Social Procurement program.

Keith Plowman, Fort McMurray Construction Association, wrote in support of the proposed policy amendments and the framework for a social procurement program.

MOVER:Jane Stroud, Councillor
SECONDER:Claris Voyageur, Councillor
FOR:Don Scott, Mike Allen, Krista Balsom, Sheila Lalonde, Keith McGrath, Phil Meagher, Verna Murphy, Jeff Peddle, Jane Stroud, Claris Voyageur
ABSENT:Bruce Inglis