1. Call to Order (at 3:00 p.m.)
1. Roll Call
2. In-Camera Session
3. Adoption of Agenda (Public Session at 4:00 p.m.)
1. Motion to Approve Agenda
4. Minutes of Previous Meetings
1. Minutes of May 27, 2020 12:00 PM
5. Recognition
1. Proclamations
6. Presentations
1. Jamie Doyle, Chief Administrative Officer, COVID-19, Flood Recovery and Boil Water Advisory Public Briefing (Verbal)
7. Unfinished Business
1. Fort McKay Community Centre Update
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8. New Business
1. McMurray Métis Request to Purchase Portions of Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Land at MacDonald Island to Construct a Cultural Centre
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a. 1. Subject Area Map
b. 2. Concept Design
2. Strategic Plan Progress Report, Quarter 1: January 1 - March 31, 2020
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a. Strategic Plan Progress Report Jan 1 - Mar 31 2020
3. 2020 Capital Budget Amendments
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a. 1 - 3. 2020 Capital Budget Amendments - New Projects
b. 4 - 5. 2020 Capital Amendments - New Projects - Cash Flow Summary
4. 2020 Quarter 1 Capital Budget Fiscal Amendments Update
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a. 1. Q1 2020 Capital Budget Fiscal Amendments
b. 2. Q1 2020 Cash Flow by Year
c. 3-6. Q1 2020 Fiscal Amendment Forms
9. Councillors' Motions
1. Capital Projects in Lower Townsite
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a. Written Subsmissions
2. User Fee Increases - Ice Surfaces and Sporting Fields
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3. Bear Safety
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10. Councillor Reporting/Information Updates