I. Call To Order
II. Adoption of Agenda
III. Minutes of Previous Meetings
1. Minutes of Wood Buffalo Recovery Committee Meeting - April 19, 2017
Minutes of Wood Buffalo Recovery Committee Meeting - 2017-04-19 WBRC Unapproved Minutes.doc
IV. Reports
1. 2017 Capital Budget Amendment - Waterways Slope Stability- delegations
2017 Capital Budget Amendment - Waterways Slope St - 2017 Capital Budget Amendment - Waterways Slope Stability.docx
2017 Capital Budget Amendment - Waterways Slope St - Attachment 1 - Waterways Slope Stability Map.pdf
2017 Capital Budget Amendment - Waterways Slope St - Attachment 2 - Summary of the Options.pdf
2017 Capital Budget Amendment - Waterways Slope St - Attachment 3 - Capital Budget Amendment - Waterways Slope Stability.pdf
V. Presentations
1. Bonnah Carey and Laura Serrano; Fuse Social re: Results of the 3rd Social Profit Sector Wildfire Impact Survey
Bonnah Carey and Laura Serrano; Fuse Social re: Re - WBRC Request for Presentation Form.doc
Bonnah Carey and Laura Serrano; Fuse Social re: Re - v1 Powerpoint Survey 3.pptx
2. Dan Stuckless, McMurray Metis and Harvey Sykes re: Rebuild of Metis Historic Site, Recovery of Indigenous People and Reconciliation
Dan Stuckless, McMurray Metis and Harvey Sykes re: - RFP Dan Stuckless.doc
3. Guy Choquet, Director of Operations, Canadian Red Cross re: One-Year Update: Alberta Fire Recovery
Guy Choquet, Director of Operations, Canadian - WBRC Red Cross Request for Presentation.doc
Guy Choquet, Director of Operations, Canadian - Alberta Fires_One-year Update_WBRC_May 17 2017.pptx
4. Erin O'Neil, Operations Manager, Recovery Task Force re: Soil Stockpile Management
5. Dennis Warr, Mitigation Supervisor and Stephen Fudge, FireSmart Specialist, Recovery Task Force re: Releaf Canada Update
VI. New and Unfinished Business
1. Impacts of Life Cycle of Municipal Landfill - 2016 Wildfire- delegations
Impacts of Life Cycle of Municipal Landfill - 2016 - Committee Report - Impacts to Life Cycle of Municipal Landfill~Final- May 9.docx
Impacts of Life Cycle of Municipal Landfill - 2016 - Att 1 Landfill Overall Map.pdf
2. Sub-Committee Reports
3. Wildfire Recovery Team Update
VII. Adjournment