I. In Camera
II. Call To Order
III. Adoption of Agenda
IV. Minutes of Previous Meetings
1. Minutes of Wood Buffalo Recovery Committee Meeting - December 7, 2016
Minutes of Wood Buffalo Recovery Committee Meeting - 2016-12-07 Unapproved WBRC Minutes.doc
V. Presentations
1. C. Beaver, Fort McMurray Early Years Coalition re: Childcare and Early Learning Post Wildfire
C. Beaver, Fort McMurray Early Years Coalition re: - RFP - Early Years Coalition.pdf
2. E. O'Neill, Operations Manager, Recovery Task Force re: Rebuild Plan
E. ONeill, Operations Manager, Recovery Task Forc - Rebuild Guidance Document.pdf
VI. New and Unfinished Business
1. Sub-Committee Reports
2. Wildfire Recovery Team Update
3. Roundtable
VII. Adjournment