I. Call To Order
II. Public Hearings and Related Reports
1. Land Use Bylaw Amendment - A portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 102 1640 (Parsons Creek) - Bylaw No. 14/017- public hearing- 2nd and 3rd readings
Land Use Bylaw Amendment - A portion of Lot 2, Blo - CR - LUB Amendment 14.017 Parsons Creek Phase 2.docx
Land Use Bylaw Amendment - A portion of Lot 2, Blo - Attachment 1 - Bylaw 14.017.docx
Land Use Bylaw Amendment - A portion of Lot 2, Blo - Bylaw 14.017 Schedule A.pdf
Land Use Bylaw Amendment - A portion of Lot 2, Blo - Bylaw 14.017 Schedule B.docx
Land Use Bylaw Amendment - A portion of Lot 2, Blo - Attachment 2 - Parsons Creek Phase 2 Land Use Bylaw Amendment - Schedule A.pdf
Land Use Bylaw Amendment - A portion of Lot 2, Blo - Attachment 3 - Land Allocation Map.pdf
1. 3rd Reading
III. Adjournment