I. Call to Order
1. Adoption of the Agenda
2. Minutes of Audit and Budget Committee Meeting - May 6, 2014
Minutes of Audit and Budget Committee Meeting - Ma - DRAFT Minutes ABC May 6, 2014.doc
II. New and Unfinished Business
1. Investment Policy – FIN-140
Investment Policy – FIN-140 - Investment Policy-FIN-140 AMENDED.docx
Investment Policy – FIN-140 - Investment Policy - FIN-140 presentation.pptx
Investment Policy – FIN-140 - ABCR-Investment Policy.doc
2. Mayor's Expenses - April 2014
Mayors Expenses - April 2014 - ABCR Mayors Expenses - April 2014.doc
Mayors Expenses - April 2014 - Mayor - Expenses May 5 2014.pdf
III. Adjournment