Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Committee Agenda Item

Age Friendly Wokring Group re: Age Friendly Work Plan Update


Department:Advisory Committee on AgingSponsors:


  1. Age Friendly_Work Plan Draft Update

Meeting History

Mar 10, 2021 1:00 PM  Advisory Committee on Aging Meeting

Luana Bussieres, Committee Member, and Martin Byaruhanga, Social Planner, Community and Protective Services, provided an update on the Age Friendly Work Plan, and its alignment with the eight domains under the World Health Organization. It was noted that the next steps which involve incorporating the strategies and proposed actions will proceed and be brought back to the Committee at the April meeting.

Following discussions and with consensus of the Committee, it was agreed that the Committee will move their presentation to Council from April 13, 2021 to May 25, 2021.

Action Item

Administration to bring forward the complete list of requests to support the work plan to the next meeting.