Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Committee Agenda Item

Anti-Racism Working Group Recommendations


Department:Regional Advisory Committee on Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (RACIDE)Sponsors:

Meeting History

Nov 25, 2020 12:30 PM  Regional Advisory Committee on Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (RACIDE) Meeting

Mitchell Bowers, Committee Member, provided and overview of the recommendations discussed during the recent Anti-Racism Working Group Meeting. The recommendations consisted of numerous topics of importance including the following: 1) Increase the RACIDE Committee membership to nine active members 2) Form a working group lead by members of the black community that will act as a standing sub-committee. 3) Conduct a review of the recruitment process for Council Appointed Boards and Committee's to reduce barriers and improve diversity representation. 4) Support Community Capacity for development of black and indigenous led initiatives. 5) Hire a researcher to conduct an independent research study on racism in the Region and develop an action plan to end racism in the RMWB. 6) Hire a consultant to develop and facilitate anti-racism training, that will be mandatory for Council and Municipal staff. 7) Write a letter to the Minister of Education in support of curriculum changes in relation to racism, history colonialism, genocide, etc. 8) Acknowledge existence of systemic racism in the RMWB to improve equity inclusion for all. 9) Review Municipal complaint policies to improve support for employees who may experience racism and discrimination. 10) Review all policies and procedures with the GBA+ and equity lens by the end of 2021. 11) Develop and implement a Municipal Equity, Inclusion and Reconciliation Policy.

Caitlin Downie, Supervisor, Neighbourhood and Community Development advised that not all of these items would fall under the RACIDE Committee mandate, Council and/or Administration would be responsible for facilitating a number of these recommendations.

Deanne Bergey, Director, Community and Protective Services, advised that she had the opportunity to review the recommendations outlined by the Anti-Racism Working Group, and they have been incorporated into Administrations upcoming presentation to Council on December 8, 2020.