Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Committee Agenda Item

Shailesh Makwana and Such Chandhiok, Planning and Development re: Municipal Development Plan


Department:Regional Advisory Committee on Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (RACIDE)Sponsors:


  1. MDP Presentation

Meeting History

Nov 25, 2020 12:30 PM  Regional Advisory Committee on Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (RACIDE) Meeting

Such Chandhiok, Supervisor, Statutory Plans and Shailesh Makwana, Planner, Planning and Development, presented an overview of the new proposed Municipal Development Plan (MDP) which reviews the vision and blueprint for the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo over the next 20 years. It was noted that the current MDP was developed in 2011 and focused on exponential growth in the Region’s population, although there are policies in the existing MDP that are still relevant it must be re-framed to reflect the regions new economic reality.