Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo


Opposition to Quebec's Bill 21 (Mayor S. Bowman)


Department:Legislative ServicesSponsors:


  1. Printout


THAT the Mayor be authorized, on behalf of Council, to send a letter to the federal Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, demonstrating Council’s opposition to Quebec’s Bill 21 and requesting the Federal Government take any appropriate steps to intervene in support of current legal challenges to Quebec’s Bill 21.

Meeting History

Mar 8, 2022 6:00 PM  Council Meeting


Councillor S. Dogar exited the meeting at 10:17 p.m.

Vacating and Assuming of Chair

Mayor S. Bowman vacated the Chair at 10:18 p.m., at which time Deputy Mayor A. Grandison assumed the Chair.

Mayor S. Bowman spoke to his motion to demonstrate Council's opposition to Quebec's Bill 21, noting this Bill does not allow for government and school employees to wear religious articles.


Councillor S. Dogar returned to the meeting at 10:20 p.m.

MOVER:Sandy Bowman, Mayor
SECONDER:Jane Stroud, Councillor
FOR:Sandy Bowman, Ken Ball, Funky Banjoko, Kendrick Cardinal, Shafiq Dogar, Allan Grandison, Jane Stroud, Stu Wigle
ABSENT:Lance Bussieres, Keith McGrath, Loretta Waquan