Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Committee Agenda Item

Working Group Updates


Department:Regional Advisory Committee on Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (RACIDE)Sponsors:

Meeting History

Jan 27, 2021 12:30 PM  Regional Advisory Committee on Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (RACIDE) Meeting

Entrance: Chantelle Tatum joined the meeting at 5:53 p.m.

a. Anti-Racism Working Group

Deanne Bergey, Director, Community and Protective Services provided an update on the Anti-Racism Working Group. It was indicated that the previously proposed bylaw amendments will be brought forward to Council as part of a larger amendment including additional Council Appointed Advisory Committees. It was also noted that the interdepartmental Task Force has been working to create a culture shift within the organization, and build a framework which will include the integration of RACIDE's recommendations.

b. Accessibility Working Group

Caitlin Downie, Department Administrator, advised that the Working Group recently held a meeting with their partners and key stakeholders to further collaborate on creating an accessible information sharing system.

Jade Brown, Chief Legislative Officer, advised that Legislative Services is working with the Organizations IT Team to continually improve the way Council provides accessible communication both virtually and in the new Council Chambers.