Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo


Approval of Proposed Expropriation of a Portion of NW 1/4 2-89-9W4M (Secondary Egress Road Expropriation)


Department:Planning and DevelopmentSponsors:


THAT the expropriation of the lands described in Attachment 1 (NW ΒΌ 2-89-9-W4M), dated October 24, 2019 be approved; and

THAT the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) be authorized to sign the Notice of Intention to Expropriate (NOITE) for the property; and

THAT the CAO be authorized to execute such further documents as required pursuant to the Expropriation Act.

Meeting History

Nov 26, 2019 11:00 AM Video Council Meeting

Brad McMurdo, Director, Planning and Development and Michael Ircandia, Manager, Land Administration, provided an overview of the proposed expropriation to facilitate the construction of a secondary egress road from Saline Creek Plateau.

Vacating, Assuming of Chair and Exit

Mayor D. Scott vacated the Chair and Deputy Mayor J. Peddle assumed the Chair at 5:39 p.m., at which time Mayor D. Scott exited the meeting.

Return and Resuming of Chair

Mayor D. Scott returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair at 5:41 p.m.

MOVER:Bruce Inglis, Councillor
SECONDER:Jane Stroud, Councillor
FOR:Don Scott, Mike Allen, Bruce Inglis, Sheila Lalonde, Keith McGrath, Phil Meagher, Verna Murphy, Jeff Peddle, Jane Stroud
ABSENT:Krista Balsom, Claris Voyageur
Dec 10, 2019 11:00 AM Video Council Meeting

Brad McMurdo, Director, Planning and Development, and Michael Ircandia, Manager, Land Administration, provided an overview of the proposed expropriation to facilitate the construction of a secondary egress road from Saline Creek Plateau, and requested additional time to continue working with the land owner.

Point of Order

Councillor P. Meagher called a Point of Order on Councillor J. Stroud for beginning debate without a motion on the floor. Mayor D. Scott upheld the Point of Order.

THAT the Approval of Proposed Expropriation of a Portion of NW 1/4 2-89-9W4M (Secondary Egress Road Expropriation) be deferred to March, 2020.

MOVER:Jane Stroud, Councillor
SECONDER:Mike Allen, Councillor
FOR:Don Scott, Mike Allen, Krista Balsom, Sheila Lalonde, Keith McGrath, Phil Meagher, Jeff Peddle, Jane Stroud
ABSENT:Bruce Inglis, Verna Murphy, Claris Voyageur
May 27, 2020 12:00 PM Video Council Meeting
MOVER:Verna Murphy, Councillor
SECONDER:Krista Balsom, Councillor
FOR:Don Scott, Mike Allen, Krista Balsom, Bruce Inglis, Sheila Lalonde, Keith McGrath, Phil Meagher, Verna Murphy, Jeff Peddle, Jane Stroud
ABSENT:Claris Voyageur